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Who We Are

In 2016 we felt God had been moving amongst us as denominational representatives and challenged us to begin working collaboratively, believing we can do more together than alone.

We are an “Interdenominational planning team” with a broader reference group seeking to raise awareness of the importance of being more “Intergenerational” in our faith communities when and wherever we meet. 

We are trying to model what we are talking about, share resources,  provide webinar conversations and create spaces for people to actually grow in this area. 

We recognise the energy that is building in this space in churches all over the world and we want to create spaces for people to explore what this can add to their faith journey and community. 

We share this passion with others around the globe and are contributing to conversations around the world.  eg. Australian Intergenerational Roundtable (AUS),  InterGenerate Conference (USA), Global Roundtable (UK),  Faithful Generations Conference (UK). 



Louise Bartlett


Louise Bartlett

Daron Pratt

Seventh Day Adventist

Daron Pratt


Anglican Minister

Michael Stalley

Michael Stalley
Tammy Tolman
Tammy Preston

Churches of Christ

Tammy Preston

Rachel Sangster

Baptist NZ

Rachel Sangster

Dion and Angela Blundell

“but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” John 4:14 

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Welcome to Intergenerate Australia and New Zealand. Our mission is to support Intergenerational Faith Communities.

Learn more about us here.

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