Online Conference
Cory Seibel (Canada)
Cory Seibel strives to be a thoughtful, passionate advocate for intergenerational ministry. His aim is to encourage and equip followers of Jesus to build extraordinary communities of faith where people of all generations share life together. He is committed to investing his skills as a researcher, writer, and presenter to advance a creative, constructive vision of intergenerational ministry in today’s church.He graduated with a Ph.D. in Practical Theology from the University of Pretoria in 2009. He currently serves as vice chair of the North American InterGenerate Conference planning team and is editing the book based upon presentations given at the 2019 InterGenerate gathering. He previously edited The Generative Church(Wipf & Stock, 2019) and contributed to InterGenerate(edited by Holly Allen; Abilene Christian University Press, 2018).
Title of his Opening session: Engage All Generations
BREAK 11:00 - 11:30am
Bring your lunch with you and click below to enter the next session:

What is a Glasshouse Experience?
“Practice does not make perfect. Practice makes permanent.
Repeat the same mistake over and over and you don't get any closer to Carnegie Hall”. (Sarah Kay Poet)
Intergenerate Australia/NZ 2022 conference wants to create a very special environment we are calling "A Glasshouse Experience". You can’t throw stones in glasshouses, if you do you are going to have a mess. We want to create a space where there is no judgement, rather there is permission to try and practice new things. Glass houses are places where things grow faster and creates a safe place to starting. Each "Glasshouse experience" will be facilitated by a team led by Tammy Preston, with the focus of learning, growing and worshiping together. They will be a creative, reflective and fun spaces, where many voices are heard and allowed to be expressed. This will be a great place to start connecting across the ages, and learn that we are all stronger and richer for the experience.
Choose ONE workshop now:

Beth Waldron Anstice
Beth Waldron Anstice is an intergenerational theologian-practitioner. She teaches courses through Stirling and Pilgrim Colleges in Melbourne, has served in Baptist, Anglican and Uniting Church congregational settings, Scripture Union, Intergen and World Vision developing intergenerational faith practices for discipleship and mission.
Topic: Better value than sermons: Using intergenerational practices to redesign bible engagement for deeper discipleship and healthier faith.​

​Alasdair MacDougall
Alasdair MacDougall is the Senior Pastor of Liberty Church of Christ in south-west Sydney. With experience in youth and young adult ministry, as well as high school chaplaincy, he has developed a strong passion and conviction for intergenerational ministry. Acknowledging the practical benefits, Alasdair has a desire to unpack the biblical basis for intergenerational ministry, with postgraduate studies focusing on Deuteronomy and Malachi.
Topic: Intergenerational Dynamics in Deuteronomy"
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Alison Sampson
Alison Sampson loves to see the gospel embodied in people’s lives. She is the pastor of Sanctuary Warrnambool, a small young intergenerational community with Baptist connections.
Topic: "Entering the Biblical story verse"

Andrew McDonough
Before devoting all his time to Lost Sheep, Andrew was pastor of the WestCare community in Adelaide South Australia. WestCare is an inner city Baptist mission working amongst the homeless, supporting people struggling with addictions and advocating for refugees. Andrew is the author and illustrator of the Lost Sheep resources.
Topic: Art and Worship
Pastors, Worship Leaders, Preachers! Does your church lack windows? Are the walls painted ‘five minutes to midnight’ black? Does every picture in the building have a Bible verse on it? Are the only paint brushes on site in the creche? Do you have carpets? Does your church own a laminator? If you answered ‘yes’ to one of these questions, you definitely need to rock up to the Art and Worship workshop